Opportunity Wales

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Wales Unemployment Stays Still at the end of April

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Over a three month period ending at the end of April Wales’ unemployment has stayed the same with 125,000 people out of work in Wales.

The figures had fallen previously in the two months before.

Also the number of people claiming job seekers benefits had slightly fell.

David Jones the Welsh Secretary said: ”It is very encouraging that the latest statistics continue to show encouraging signs of growth in Wales and these figures show Wales moving in the right direction,

“The UK government has made supporting our economy a priority and today’s figures show we are on the right track.”

The Welsh Government have also proudly said that they had out performed the UK in average in employment, unemployment and economic activity.

A spokesperson said: “The latest figures show that the economic situation in Wales remains challenging due to the weak global economy and spending cuts imposed by the UK government.

“Whilst the UK government holds all the major macroeconomic tools, we are doing all we can to help people back into jobs or training.”

Is IT Skills what Wales need?


According to billionaire Terry Matthews Wales lack business skills to make the most of technology.

He said: “We don’t lack people who are innovative. What we lack is turning that into a commercial operation.”

IT skills are pretty much needed in all departments of a business whether it be to write a report or to put together a spreadsheet.

Also computer need maintaining which creates jobs in the IT sector for technicians which is always great for the economy.

Sir terry thinks that Wales could add £1.5bn to it’s IT sector over the next five years.

Sir Terry said:

“Our hope is that, with guidance, they will end up having very significant technology companies and employ a lot of people.

“We don’t lack well-educated people and we don’t lack people who are innovative. What we lack is the commercialisation.

“As an example, where’s the venture capital?

“My sort of thing here is, if you can tease people with a little cash and people with a lots of experience into being mentors or board members and better still investors, then you get a lot of support [for entrepreneurs].”

A Great Season for Wales in terms of Football

As the footballing season came to an end on the weekend we reflect at how well Wales done as a nation in terms of football in England.

We start with Cardiff who bossed the championship which is regarded one of the hardest league’s in England because so many teams are closely. Cardiff finished at the top of the table picking up the trophy and gaining automatic promotion into the premier league where they will join fellow Welsh team Swansea.

Which brings me to Swansea who have continued to impress this season with their passing football and not only managed to avoid the drop comfortably they won the Carling Cup which also gave them a gateway into the Europa Cup so European football will be coming to Swansea. Also one man who was probably the buy of the summer, Michu who was amazing all season with his goal scoring talents and arguable should of had a nomination for player of the year.

Lastly we look at one man who has had a sensational season, Gareth Bale who has got alot of attention this year picking up all awards including both Player of the year and young player of the year. He also scored the most goals from outside the box in Europe with some amazing solo goals and now he is arguably the third best player in the world behind Messi and Ronaldo respectively.

Child neglect referrals up by 67% in Wales

NSPCC said that 575 calls were made between the period of April 2011 and March 2012. Out of the 575 calls 434 needed police to handle the case. NSPCC has also added that neglect ion has also doubled since 2009 in the UK.

The figures from one charity were 1,265 children need child protection in place last year and the year before the figure was 1,180. One member of the chrity Des Mannion said: “If families cannot or will not improve, children must be protected and action be taken at the earliest opportunity.

“But our experience shows that with the right support many families can improve their behaviour.

“The costs in both financial and human terms for supporting most families to change are far lower than the costs of taking children into care.”